• Health Care Provider CPR/AED
  • Heart Savers CPR/AED (adult, child, infant)
  • Family & Friends CPR
  • Basic first aid

PEOSH mandatory trainings including:

  • Bloodborne Pathogens
  • Hazardous Communication (Right to Know)
  • HAZMAT Awareness
  • Respiratory Protection

Considerations for EMS, both prior to and during an active shooter/killer incident as well as treatment of injuries most commonly seen.  Includes an introduction to the concept of Rescue Task Force (RTF).

  • Definitions
  • Statistics
  • Past incidents
  • Planning/training
  • Communication
  • Victims, hospitals and first responders
  • Incident command
  • Special circumstances
  • Rescue Task Force (RTF):
    • Overview
    • Injuries
    • Implementation
    • Personal protective equipment (PPE)
    • Safety/staging

Overview of the various documents known as ‘advance directives’ and how they influence patient care

  • Basic Rules
  • Types of Documents
  • Special Considerations
  • Liability
  • Scenarios

To review airway related emergencies and proper management of such

  • Anatomy & physiology
  • Airway compromise- medical
  • Airway compromise- trauma
  • Ventilation
  • BLS airway management
  • Advanced airway management

EMS responses will be looked at from the prospective of the patient and “customer service” oriented EMS will be focused upon.

  • Key points
  • Survival mentality
  • Patient concerns
  • Psychological first aid
  • Scene safety
  • Patient advocacy
  • Specifics:
    • Death/dying
    • Bystanders
    • Lifting/moving
    • Entrapment
    • Special populations
    • Pain & fear management
    • Transport
    • ALS utilization

This class reviews the patient assessment process, specific findings and their meanings when conducting a physical assessment.

  • Patient assessment overview/review
  • Vital signs/medical history
  • Patient assessment sequence
  • Specific findings during assessment

This course incorporates use of bicycles and EMS response.  It reviews safety equipment and its proper use, bicycle safety, and response.  Majority of course is practical bike riding.

  • Bikes and EMS
  • Starting a bike unit
  • Types of bicycles/components
  • Types of equipment
  • Bicycle anatomy
  • Bicycle maintenance
  • Health & safety
  • Pre-ride check
  • Legal riding
  • EMS response with bicycles
  • Practical riding
  • Distance ride

To review the disease process of cardiac emergencies, how they present and how to treat these types of patients

  • Anatomy & physiology
  • Assessment
  • Specific conditions
  • Treatment
  • Advance treatment

Coaching the Emergency Vehicle Operations (CEVO) ambulance course, following the Coaching Systems LLC program.  Three year recommended recertification.

  • Self-appraisal
  • Vehicle inspection and characteristics review
  • Critical elements (scanning, cushion of safety, communicating)
  • Situational driving in both emergency and non-emergency driving
  • Situational driving (open roadway environments)
  • Special considerations (backing, adviser weather, driving at night, rotaries, ‘Move-Over’ law and toll access)

A review of the complexity of crush injuries and management of them.  The main focus is on compartment syndrome and crush syndrome.

  • Anatomy & Physiology
  • Compartment Syndrome
  • Crush Syndrome
  • Other Injuries
  • Long-Term Care

This class portrays the active process of dying, stages, and what is suspicious when responding to the call that involves the death of a person.

  • Definitions/statistics
  • Scene safety
  • Advanced directives
  • Impending death
  • Signs of death
  • Crime scenes
  • Autopsy
  • Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM)
  • Post mortem changes
  • Specific causes of death

To review the disease process of diabetes, how it presents and how to treat these types of patients

  • Anatomy & Physiology
  • Diabetes 101
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Hyperglycemia
  • Assessment
  • Treatment

Report writing is a critical skill for documenting patient care, interventions and the outcomes, along with risk mitigation and to have patient information communicated clearly during emergency incidents, and this course is intended to increase the EMS provider’s ability and knowledge on how to properly do this.

  • Purpose
  • Principles
  • Narrative writing
  • Spelling
  • Falsification/ omittance of information
  • Confidentiality
  • Timeliness

To review illnesses/ injuries related to the brain, how they present and how to treat these types of patients.

  • Anatomy & physiology review
  • Seizures (assessment & treatment)
  • Strokes (assessment & treatment)
  • Head injuries (assessment & treatment)

Overview of EMS considerations/changes that need to be made when treating a patient at a crime scene.

  • Overview/ Evidence
  • Safety Considerations
  • Documentation
  • Confidentiality
  • Specific Crime Scenes

A program designed to more thoroughly discuss the legal requirements of operating an emergency vehicle and physical dangers of being involved in a collision.

  • Crash statistics
  • Risk factors
  • Consequences
  • Safety recommendations
  • Parking/on-scene operations
  • Responding and general laws
  • Personally Owned Vehicles (POV)
  • Ambulance safety standards
  • Ambulance safety systems
  • Patient compartment
  • Stretcher safety

A review of the proper methods and treatment protocols for the rehabilitation of emergency responders.

  • Standards on rehabilitation operations
  • The need for rehabilitation
  • Heat stress
  • Cold stress
  • Pre-incident considerations
  • 8 “R’s” of rehabilitation
  • Equipment and vehicles
  • Additional fire ground information
  • Firefighter CPR

Formerly ‘First Responder’.  Entry-level training in EMS that bridges the gap between the lay rescuer and an EMT, in accordance with the American Health & Safety Institute (ASHI) EMR program.  Includes classroom and hands on learning.

Prerequisite: current/valid professional level CPR certification

  • Introduction to the EMS system
  • Legal & ethic principles of emergency care
  • Wellness & safety
  • Introduction to medical terminology, human anatomy and lifespan development
  • Principles of lifting, moving and positioning patients
  • Principles of effective communication
  • Principles of airway management and ventilation
  • Principles of oxygen therapy
  • Principles of resuscitation
  • Obtaining a medical history and vital signs
  • Principles of patient assessment
  • Caring for cardiac emergencies
  • Caring for respiratory emergencies
  • Caring for common medical emergencies
  • Caring for environmental emergencies
  • Caring for soft tissue injuries & bleeding
  • Recognition/care of shock
  • Caring for muscle & bone injuries
  • Caring for head & spine injuries
  • Caring for chest & abdominal emergencies
  • Care during pregnancy and childbirth
  • Caring for infants and children
  • Special considerations for the geriatric patient
  • Introduction to EMS operations & hazardous response
  • Introduction to multiple casualty incidents, the incident command system & triage

Review of prior learned material, recommended to be completed every two years to maintain EMR skills.  In accordance with the American Health & Safety Institute (ASHI) EMR program.  Includes classroom and hands on learning.

Prerequisite: current/valid professional level CPR certification

  • Scene size-up & safety
  • Patient assessment
  • Vital signs
  • Response to medical
  • Response to trauma
  • Lifting & moving
  • Airway, oxygen and resuscitation
  • Medical updates

A review of the special considerations needed when treating the often-overlooked population of the homeless.

  • Definitions/statistics
  • Types of homelessness
  • Causes
  • EMS responses
  • Challenges
  • Safety considerations
  • Proactive EMS
  • “Tent cities”

Typically, when the term ‘extrication’ is used in relation to EMS, we discuss the technical disentanglement operations and not patient care related topics.  This course is intended to review injuries, treatment and a patient centered approach to extrication

  • Introduction
  • Anatomy of a Crash
  • Scene Safety
  • Inside Rescuer
  • Patient Protection

This class provides foresight for the EMS provider who finds themself involved in a legal process or testifying in court.

  • The legal system
  • The participants
  • Procedures
  • How to testify
  • Preparation
  • Documentation
  • Defense tactics

Using lessons learned from law enforcement, EMS providers will learn more about responding to medical emergency which are more dangerous, legal or police oriented

  • Law enforcement vs. EMS
  • Scene safety
  • Documentation
  • Crimes & Criminals
  • Special Circumstances
  • Law enforcement interventions

To provide EMT’s with a working knowledge of special events, sporting events, mass casualty incidents, and pre-planning incidents.

  • Basics of Special Events
  • Roles of EMS
  • Event Patient Care
  • Special Considerations

Overview of a response to a fire scene and proper rehabilitation of firefighters following the ARMR principles

  • Elements of a fire response
  • Importance of fire rehab
  • Case studies
  • Heat loss/stress
  • Accountability
  • Rest
  • Medical care
  • Replenishment

This class enlightens the EMS provider to gang awareness and the differences in responding to and providing care for a gang member who is a medical patient.  Also includes topics relating to scene safety and recognizing/handling victims of human trafficking.

  • Statistics/definitions
  • Types of gangs
  • Gang culture
  • Initiation
  • Alliances/rivalries
  • Female gang members
  • Gangs in pop-culture
  • Graffiti
  • Specific gangs
  • Gang members as patients
  • Human trafficking
  • Human trafficking victims as patients

This course is intended to review the unique changes a person goes through during the normal aging process and how geriatric patients present differently.  It will also review medical and traumatic emergencies commonly experienced by elderly patients.

  • Introduction
  • Age-related changes
  • Geriatric Assessment
  • Dementia
  • Common illnesses
  • Falls
  • Special Considerations

To provide a better understanding the kinetics of a gunshot wound (GSW) and how it effects the human body, in order to better treat these serious type of injuries

•Firearms 101
•GSW Kinetics
•Injury Patterns

An emphasis on patient assessment, sick/not-sick and time saving operational procedures will be made, all while keeping the best interests of the patient a top priority

  • Pre-Incident and Concepts
  • On Scene Operations
  • ALS/BLS and Mutual Aid
  • Miscellaneous Considerations

This course provides an overview of the National Incident Management System (NIMS). The National Incident Management System defines the comprehensive approach guiding the whole community – all levels of government, nongovernmental organizations (NGO), and the private sector to work together seamlessly to prevent, protect against, mitigate, respond to, and recover from the effects of incidents.

  • Describe and identify the key concepts, principles, scope, and applicability underlying NIMS
  • Describe activities and methods for managing resources
  • Describe the NIMS Management Characteristics
  • Identify and describe Incident Command System (ICS) organizational structures
  • Explain Emergency Operations Center (EOC) functions, common models for staff organization, and activation levels
  • Explain the interconnectivity within the NIMS Management and Coordination structures: ICS, EOC, Joint Information System (JIS), and Multiagency Coordination Groups (MAC Groups)
  • Identify and describe the characteristics of communications and information systems, effective communication, incident information, and communication standards and formats

Introduces the Incident Command System (ICS) and provides the foundation for higher level ICS training. This course describes the history, features and principles, and organizational structure of the Incident Command System. It also explains the relationship between ICS and the National Incident Management System (NIMS).

  • Explain the principles and basic structure of the Incident Command System (ICS)
  • Describe the NIMS management characteristics that are the foundation of the ICS
  • Describe the ICS functional areas and the roles of the Incident Commander and Command Staff
  • Describe the General Staff roles within ICS
  • Identify how NIMS management characteristics apply to ICS for a variety of roles and discipline areas

Reviews the Incident Command System (ICS), provides the context for ICS within initial response, and supports higher level ICS training. This course provides training on, and resources for, personnel who are likely to assume a supervisory position within ICS.

  • Describe how the NIMS Management Characteristics relate to Incident Command and Unified Command
  • Describe the delegation of authority process, implementing authorities, management by objectives, and preparedness plans and objectives
  • Identify ICS organizational components, the Command Staff, the General Staff, and ICS tools
  • Describe different types of briefings and meetings
  • Explain flexibility within the standard ICS organizational structure
  • Explain transfer of command briefings and procedures
  • Use ICS to manage an incident or event

The goal of this professional development course, is to provide training on and resources for overall incident management skills for personnel who require intermediate application of the Incident Command System (ICS).

  • Describe how the National Incident Management System Command and Management component supports the management of expanding incidents
  • Describe the Incident/Event Management process for supervisors and expanding incidents as prescribed by the ICS
  • Implement the Incident Management process on a simulated Type 3 incident
  • Develop an Incident Action Plan for a simulated incident

ICS 400 is intended for an audience of experienced responders and other senior emergency management personnel who may perform in a management capacity for major or complex incidents (Type 1 or Type 2 incidents).  Large and complex incidents that require the application of area command don’t happen often. Although this is an advanced ICS course, it is not intended to develop mastery of area command. The purpose of this course is to expose students to the concepts of utilizing area command in major and complex incidents.

  • Describe the circumstances in which an Area Command is established
  • Describe the circumstances in which Multi-Agency Coordination Systems are established

Provides a three-step process that enhances pediatric patient assessments and treatments for the EMT.

  • Reducing patient fear
  • Three key tenets- Control, Level and Teach
  • Management of parents
  • Emotional response of pediatric patients
  • Best practices during assessment/treatment

A class which reviews illicit “street drugs” by assisting in identification, patient presentations, dangers associated with these patients and EMS care.  Includes hands on presentation of drugs and drug paraphernalia.

  • Statics/definitions
  • Methods of ingestion
  • Seven drug categories
  • Signs of drug use (including eye assessment)
  • Specific drugs (30 total)
  • Treatment of drug related emergency

This class introduces the concept of disentanglement of the patient from a motor vehicle collision, patient protection and the basics of operating safely on a scene of a motor vehicle collision. The class additionally introduces different extrication/rescue techniques.

  • What a collision is/authority
  • Terms and definitions
  • Vehicle anatomy
  • Types of collisions
  • Kinetics/ mechanism of injury
  • Pre-incident
  • Personal protective equipment
  • Incident command/ operational structure
  • Scene size up
  • Hazard control
  • Stabilization
  • Disentanglement tools
  • Disentanglement procedures
  • Inside rescuer function
  • Patient protection
  • Extrication options
  • Post-incident

An introduction to the management of trauma at a junctional area of the body.

  • Bleeding Control
  • Hemostatic Dressings
  • Amputations
  • Neck Injuries
  • Shoulder Injuries
  • Lower Extremity/Groin Injuries

A review of the forces of trauma on the body and injuries caused by them.

  • Kinetics overview
  • Motor vehicle collisions
  • Low velocity injuries
  • Medium/high velocity injuries
  • Falls
  • Blast Injuries

Emergency service leaders don’t usually get much formal training on how to lead an EMS, fire, or police agency. This course, designed to be taken by leadership teams (like line officers), will walk you through everything from preparation and laying the groundwork to making day-to-day operational decisions. We’ll introduce you to the ARC (Align, Reinforce, Cascade) method, which we designed specifically for volunteer and paid emergency services.

A review of management policies and procedures for EMS leadership.  The basics of leadership, operational and administrative management will be discussed.

  • Leadership 101
  • Problem solving
  • Legality
  • Personnel issues
  • Discipline
  • Operational incidents phases
  • Large scale incidents
  • Additional resources
  • Specific incidents
  • Pre-incident considerations
  • Public interaction
  • Well-being of the EMT/leader

A review of common patient lifting and moving devices and how to respond to bariatric emergencies.

  • Lifting & moving introduction
  • Injury prevention
  • Lifting review
  • Basic lifting/moving equipment
  • Specialty equipment
  • Bariatric emergencies

A review of various types of machinery accidents, injuries and conditions that they cause.

  • Statistics
  • Preplanning
  • Types of injuries
  • Types of machines
  • Safety/stabilizations
  • Disentanglement procedures
  • Post-incident
  • Specific machines

This course will look in detail at various types of medical-legal documents, including advance directives, as well as various scenarios where a legal understanding of the situation would be pertinent

  • Ethics & Legal Terms
  • Liability
  • Advance Directives

A review of the protocols and procedures for medications approved for New Jersey Emergency Medical Technicians to assist/administer.

  • Medications overview
  • Medications protocols:
    • Atraumatic chest pain
    • Anaphylaxis
    • Diabetic emergency
    • Opiate overdose
    • Respiratory distress

A review of the types of collisions and injuries produced when a motorcycle crashes, as well as helmet and safety equipment removal.

  • Statistics
  • Motorcycle hazards
  • Types of crashes
  • Injuries
  • Disentanglement
  • Treatment
  • Safety equipment
    • Types
    • Removal

Intended for law enforcement officers to review various occupational hazards and treatment options for modern policing when an officer is injured in the line of duty.

  • Statistics
  • Prevention
  • Driving/traffic safety
  • Pre-operation planning
  • Rescue phases
  • Bleeding control
  • Officer down
  • Miscellaneous

A review of hazards and safety considerations when responding to medical emergencies involving an opiate, as well as how to treat an overdose victim.

  • Introduction
  • Definition
  • History of Fentanyl
  • Heroin
  • Fentanyl
  • Overdose
  • First responder safety
  • Law enforcement considerations

A class that overviews the assessment and special considerations when providing care for the patient in police custody or already incarcerated.

  • In-custody deaths
  • Patients not in custody
  • Patients in custody
  • Transport
  • Restraints
  • Hospital security
  • In-custody conditions
  • Correctional facilities

Introduction to the RTF function during active shooter/killer incidents.  Includes classroom and hands on learning.  Students are required to have all departmental issued RTF PPE on hand during the course.

  • Introduction to RTF
  • Incidents/use
  • Safety
  • Personal protective equipment
  • Equipment overview

Continued implementation of the RTF function focusing on the assessment and movement of casualties.  Includes classroom and hands on learning.  Students are required to have all departmental issued RTF PPE on hand during the course.

  • Patient assessment
  • Lifting & moving
  • Moving devices

Continued implementation of the RTF function focusing on the triage, management and movement of the RTF.  Includes classroom and hands on learning.  Students are required to have all departmental issued RTF PPE on hand during the course.

  • Principles of cover/concealment
  • Setup/management of a casualty collection point (CCP)
  • Room management
  • Basic movements in a tactical environment

A review of scene safety, how to conduct a scene size-up, the dynamics of a scene, and how to improve responder safety.

  • Scene size-up/ hazard control
  • Specific incidents
  • Patient protection
  • Resources

A review of soft tissues injuries and management.

  • Anatomy & physiology
  • Closed Injuries
  • Open Injuries
  • Eye Injuries
  • Chest Trauma
  • Abdominal Trauma
  • Burns
  • Shock

A review of soft tissues injuries and management.

  • Anatomy & physiology review
  • Closed Injuries
  • Open Injuries
  • Eye Injuries
  • Chest Trauma
  • Abdominal Trauma
  • Burns
  • Shock

Basics of hemorrhage control oriented towards severe injuries/bleeding in conjunction with the American College of Surgeons program

  • ABC’s of bleeding
  • Bleeding control
  • Tourniquet application
  • Use of hemostatic gauze

Compete rescue task force (RTF) overview, focusing on the implementation, components and medical care taken during an active shooter/killer event.  Includes classroom and hands on learning.  Students are required to have all departmental issued RTF PPE on hand during the course.

  • Introduction/implementation to RTF
  • Incidents/use
  • Safety
  • Personal protective equipment
  • Equipment overview
  • Care under fire
  • Patient assessment
  • Trauma management
  • Lifting & moving
  • Moving devices
  • Principles of cover/concealment
  • Setup/management of a casualty collection point (CCP)
  • Room management
  • Basic movements in a tactical environment

A course that reviews the necessary changes in incident response during weather related emergencies.

  • Pre-incident
  • Incident Action Plans (IAP)
  • Planning
  • Logistics
  • Operational periods
  • Hazard control
  • Utilities
  • Restoring normalcy

A review of the types of shock, signs/symptoms and treatment of hypoperfusion

  • Review of the circulatory system
  • Hypoperfusion defined
  • Types of shock
  • Recognition
  • Shock & trauma
  • Pediatric shock
  • Treatment

This class provides the student with the knowledge to perform patient care in the tactical environment such as incidents involving active shootings and terrorism. Includes classroom and practical learning.

  • Need to TEMS
  • Types of incidents
  • Challenges in a tactical environment
  • Pre-incident planning
  • Rescue phases
  • Triage
  • Rescue task force (RTF)
  • Specific injuries
  • Treatment for injuries
  • Patient assessment
  • Self-aid
  • Officer rescue
  • Tactical field evacuation
  • Documentation
  • Wounded combatants
  • Rehabilitation
  • Rescue task force & tactics/safety
  • Practical:
    • Airway management
    • Chest injuries
    • Bleeding control
    • Abdominal injuries
    • Penetrating trauma/amputations
    • Assessment
    • Carries/drags

A refresher course for the provider who has already been educated through an initial TEMS education program.  This course includes classroom and practical learning.

  • Challenges of the tactical environment
  • Rescue phases
  • Specific injuries & treatment
  • Self-aid
  • Officer down
  • Rescue task force
  • Skills:
    • Airway management
    • Chest injuries
    • Bleeding control
    • Carries/drags

An overview of technical rescues and specialized EMS functions including; water, trench, confined space, high/low angle rescue, and search and rescue.

  • Definition
  • Challenges
  • Attitudes/authority
  • Training
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  • Specialized tools/vehicles
  • Scene size-up
  • Leadership
  • Specific incidents:
    • Motor Vehicle Rescue
    • Water Rescue
    • Search And Rescue (SAR)
    • Collapse Rescue
    • Confined Space Rescue
    • Trench Rescue
    • Rope Rescue
    • Machinery Rescue
    • Tactical EMS/RTF
  • Special Services:
    • Rehabilitation
    • Bariatrics
    • EMS Bicycles

A review of common learning/teaching techniques, geared towards someone in the role of training officer or instructor.

  • Types of training & learning
  • Roll of the training officer
  • Agency/self evaluation
  • Effective training
  • Post training
  • Training examples

Through a review of basic triage principles and practical application of triage scenarios, students will understand the process needed to manage and treat patients during a Mass Casualty Incident (MCI)

  • Introduction & Incidents
  • Scene Size-Up
  • Resource Management
  • Staging
  • Operational Considerations
  • Triage
  • Triage Scenario

This class presents a variety of topics that have been learned over the years of working in EMS.  Topics include improvised and alternative patient care techniques.

  • Driving
  • Operations
  • Rarely Used Equipment
  • Improvised EMS
  • “Tricks of the Trade”